Ireland Bridal Session

Our trip to Ireland was nothing short of AMAZING!! It is exactly like the movies but so so much better! Everything from the castles, the rolling hills, & tiny roads that look like a bike path here in America (and yet they expect two cars going opposite directions to both fit). While in Ireland I was able to design and photograph one of my very best friends in a Bridal Shoot at Whore Abbey and on the Cliffs of Ireland. This was definitely one of the many highlights to our overseas adventure as I am sure the images below will convey.

Now the question I got the most after coming back was “would you go back?”, at first I honestly said “probably not” but as more time passes the more I deeply miss it. I miss the long flight that took over 9 hours, the rolling hills that were nothing but a deep green, and the many castles that we explored in Cork, Doonagore, Gort, Dublin, etc! I would go back in heartbeat! Not because it is one of the worlds “most explored countries” but because my heart longs to be at the Cliffs of Moher! I remember seeing them for the first time and literally teared up and got chills from my head down to my feet. It truly is one of Earth’s greatest beauties and I miss it every single day. Although the next time my hubby and I visit we want to capture a destination elopement or wedding.

Here is to you Ireland, till the next time we meet! Cheers!!